NH DOT to Hold Public Meeting on April 30 at 6pm at the Town of Hooksett Town Hall to discuss the US Route 3/NH Route 28 project at 6pm

The New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) will be hosting a public informational meeting Tuesday, April 30, at the Town of Hooksett Administrative Office Building in the Council Chambers, Room 105, at 35 Main Street Hooksett, NH 03106. The meeting will be to discuss the US Route 3/NH Route 28 project between the Alice Avenue/West Alice Avenue and Whitehall Road/Martins Ferry Road intersections. The meeting will begin at 6 pm with a project presentation followed by a question and comment period with the project team. The meeting will be held in person and will also be available virtually for those who cannot attend in person.

Please find the virtual login information below:
Public Informational meeting webinar link: https://us05web.zoom.us/j/89524051874?pwd=bvTgPk12wucxYGwSU8K4AGEp3UFhfw.xyyF50vuGL4F6iLz
Passcode: 814927